Page 2 - April Digital 2020
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We ask everyone to take those precautions urged by the medical experts. Everyone has the opportunity to help stop the spread of this virus. It is NOT fun, but getting or assisting in the spread of COVID-19 is worse.
SECPID’s scheduled patrols and the 24 hour operation of our security cameras will continue uninterrupted. In fact, SECPID is moving ahead with scheduled projects for cameras at two new sites this month.
Elsewhere in this issue, Capt. Robert Buquoi has provided a very interesting writeup discussing recent activities and enforcement in Shenandoah Estates. It helps put in perspective how valuable these efforts are to Shenandoah Estates and its residents.
The primary goal of SECPID is to maintain and promote Shenandoah Estates value to its current and potential residents as a great community to live in. We are convinced that we are succeeding! Looking back at the Real Estate Activity report provided last month by Becky Boston of C. J. Brown confirms a strong demand, sales at or near asking price, generally quick turnover, and good availability.
Capt. Buquoi talks about proven results from enforcement activities and criminal arrests, and the effect that Shenandoah Estates’ reputation for success in enforcement and in criminal arrests has in making criminals “think twice”, and take their unwanted activities elsewhere.
BUT, there is one statistic that remains quite disturbing: TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS! Eleven traffic accidents in Shenandoah Estates already this year, compared to 19 during all of 2019.
Whether it is 11 in less than 3 months or 19 in 12 months, it is very hard to find any excuse for a traffic accident in a residential subdivision with a 25 MPH speed limit and well maintained traffic control signs.
And yet, we all know the answers: lack of attention and conscious failure to obey the law.
We all see (and too many participate) in activities causing lack of attention. Talkingonthephone,whetherhand-heldorhandsfree; texting and reading texts – meaning your eyes are NOT on the road; shaving, fixing makeup, similar activities; talking to passengers or your kids while you should be focused on the safety of others in the car and those around you not in cars.
Failure to come to a full stop at stop signs and look carefully both ways: so easy to do, yet so effective at preventing accidents.
Every automobile safety organization agrees that all those behaviors are major contributors to auto accidents.
And speeding? That is your conscious choice to ignore the law because the speed limit is “inconvenient” and “stupid”, because you are late, or just because you do not agree with the speed limit. And that is why our patrols focus on traffic enforcement, including the use of the “Radar Gun” SECPID bought for their use. Resident or not, the speed limit is enforced for the safety of everyone.
But the real choice is whether you follow a few simple rules out of concern for your own safety and that of your children, and out of respect for all other residents and visitors in our home. | MONTHLY UPDATE | April 2020
     Whether you are already paying the annual fee or not, please consider additional support for SECPID’s activities, which support and promote the value of Shenandoah Estates to its residents. Voluntary contributions may be mailed or given to any Commissioner. Checks can be made out to SECPID, and our mailing address is:
Shenandoah Estates Crime Prevention and Improvement District Box 77926 | Baton Rouge, LA 70879-7926

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