Page 9 - April Digital 2020
P. 9

 Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|April14th|7:00pm |JonesCreekLibrary
  Congratulations to the winner of the April 2020 Shenandoah Homeowners Association “Yard of the Month” award that goes to 5344 North Fort Pickens. The homeowners receive a $25 gift certificate to Clegg’s Nursery, our gracious sponsor.
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Tom is still working on having the school zone corrected and will hopefully have more information at the next meeting.
Beautification Report: Kevin reported that the April yard of the month is 5344 North Fort Pickens. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard Of The Month” on the website.
Newswatch/ Website Report: Ed was absent, but reported that the website continues to receive excellent support from the residents. The website is getting as many as 100 visitors per day. If you have any ideas for improvements you can contact him at
Mike proposed we do a Graduation issue of the Newswatch which could be published in June.
Entrance Sign Committee Report: Sandy reported that the mason will be out on Thursday to water-proof the new entrance sign, and on Saturday, the roofing crew will complete the roof, soffit, and vents. The building should be large enough to store holiday decorations. There is a possibility there won’t be enough stone available and the committee will have to choose a new stone. Lettering needs to be chosen for the new sign including font, size, and material.
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 Thanks to all of you take pride in your property. Keep up the great work! We’ll be judging “Yard of the Month” nominations every month and announcing the winner in the Newswatch newsletter and the SHA website.
When you drive down a street of well-kept lawns and landscaping, the pride of ownership shows and sends a positive message to visitors to our neighborhood. That pride often correlates to higher home value. [
You can also submit a nomination for the Yard of the Month on the SHA Website:
         Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 9

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