Page 4 - Howard Whosjobisit
P. 4

Hello, dear reader, Cosmos Crow here. I am here to tell you a story about a subject dear to all of our hearts ... Happiness. It is a tale with a lot of adventure and surprises. But as usual, I am getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the best place to start... the beginning.
I was on another of my annual trips to an unfamiliar land. Sometimes I just take off flying with no destination in mind and just end up wherever I end up. I had been traveling for quite some time and was passing over some beautiful country.
It was green, with streams and farms and towns and what looked like very happy animals and people. I had just passed over an old castle and was flying over a large forest when I noticed a large clearing in the middle of the forest. In the middle of the clearing was the largest tree I had ever seen.
And there, sitting at the very top of this tree was a majestic eagle. Well, as you know, eagles and crows get along pretty well. We don’t eat the same food and we live in different places, so we don’t get in each others way.
I flew down and landed next to this eagle and politely introduced myself. He nodded his head and replied that his name was Edgar. We talked for a few minutes and I told him that I thought the country was beautiful. He thanked me and told me to stay as long as I wanted.

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