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The Corona Virus began to appear during Janiuary, Feburary and March of this year on the West Coast and East Coast. Toward to end of March, it began to appear in Louisiana, mostly New Orleans. When it appeared in Baton Rouge, it was a crisis in other parts of the country. Govenor Edwards ordered a shutdown of most non-escential business in the state.
At this time, we sent an Email Blast to all 23 of our advertisers notifying them we were going to an online, Digital Magazine and droping the advertising fee by 75%. In the case of Georges, that was $62.50, rather than the normal “Special Discounted” fee of $250 per issue. (Actual full-page Fee is $350.00)
Since then, we have produced a full NEWSWATCH Digita Magazine and distribuited it on the SHA website ( Our direct eMail Blast program directly to the Shenandoah Estate Residents and posted a notice on the the website each month with a link.
During the months of April and May, when Georges and other restaurants were featuing their take out service, we published your menu with notice of your To-Go Service. See Issues April and May
When the Govenor began to enter Phase 1 and 2 we changed your advertisement to include your “Limited” inhouse dining. See Issues June, July and August
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