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July 3 — Congress created the United States Veterans Administration, 1930
Singer Jim Morrison of the Doors died in Paris at age 27, 1971 July 4 — The Declaration of Independence was approved, 1776 Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died, 1826
James Monroe died, 1831
Calvin Coolidge was born, 1872
July 5 — The Salvation Army was founded in London, 1865
The bikini bathing suit made its debut in Paris, France, 1946
July 6 — Louis Pasteur successfully tested an anti-rabies vaccine on a boy bitten by an infected dog, 1885
The first All-Star baseball game was played in Chicago, 1933 July 7 — The United States annexed Hawaii, 1898
The Reader’s Digest was founded, 1922
First women were sworn as F.B.I. agents, 1972
July 8 — Colonel John Nixon gave the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, 1776
Florentz Ziegfeld staged his first “Follies,” on the roof of the New York Theatre, 1907
July 9 — The Declaration of Independence was read aloud to General George Washington’s troops in New York, 1776
Louisiana and South Carolina were re-admitted to the Union, 1868
July 10 — Wyoming entered the Union, 1890 (44th)
The Beatles UK album, A Hard Day’s Night, was released, 1964
July 11 — Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton was mortally wounded by in a pistol duel, by Vice President Aaron Burr 1804
United States Air Force Academy was dedicated at Lowry Air Base, Colorado, 1955
July 12 — Congress authorized the Medal of Honor, 1862 July 13 — Alabama readmitted to the Union, 1868
July 14 — William H. Bonney “Billy the Kid” was shot by Sheriff Pat Garrett, 1881
July 16 — The first parking meters were installed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,1935
The first atomic bomb was detonated in New Mexico, 1945 July 17 — Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California, 1955 July 18 — Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, 1847 July 19 — Apollo 11 orbited the moon, 1969
Christa McAuliffe of New Hampshire was chosen to be the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the space shuttle, 1985
July 20 — The first man (Astronaut Neil Armstrong) to set foot on the moon, 1969
America’s Viking I robot spacecraft made the first-ever landing on Mars, 1976
July 21 — Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, 1899 July 22 — Katharine Bates wrote America the Beautiful, 1893
Bank robber John Dillinger was shot and killed by F.B.I. agents outside a Chicago theatre, 1934
July 23 — Puerto Rico voted to remain a United States commonwealth, 1967
The ice cream cone was invented by Charles E. Menches, during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, 1904
July 24 — Tennessee readmitted to the Union, 1866
July 25 — The Central Intelligence Agency was created, 1947
Puerto Rico became a self-governing commonwealth of the United States, 1952
July 26 — Benjamin Franklin became Post-Master General and the Postal Service was established, 1775
New York entered Union, 1788 (11th)
July 27 — Bugs Bunny made his cartoon debut, 1940
July 28 — The World War II, fall of Mussolini, 1943
July 29 — First telephone conversation occurred from New York to San Francisco, 1914
July 30 — First color motion pictures were exhibited, 1928 Medicare bill signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965 July 31 — St. Ignatius of Loyola, died in Rome, 1556
July 15 — Georgia readmitted to the Union, 1870 The Boeing Company, was founded in Seattle, 1916
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