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 We are now fully into a Louisiana Summer. Even with the restrictions in place to address the covid situation, there is a lot of outdoor activity in our neighborhood - Joggers, people walking, kids riding bikes. If you’re driving, keep in mind that many of these people have headphones on listening to music and they can easily lose their situational awareness and inadvertently cause an accident. Thank you for obeying the speed limit and being courteous behind the wheel.
SECPID is proud to announce that we are installing the 12th and 13th security cameras at entries to our neighborhood. Our program of placing security cameras throughout our neighborhood has had a positive impact on lowering crime rates and deterring would- be perpetrators from trolling our streets. It was two years ago this month that thieves drove into Shenandoah and robbed a young man at gunpoint in the late afternoon. Within minutes, Parish Sheriff Deputies accessed our security cameras and used video to identify the vehicle used in the crime. In less than eighteen hours, deputies arrested the culprits and had them behind bars. The word is out – if you’re coming to Shenandoah to break the law, better think again. We’ll have more to tell you about the security camera program in coming months.
In addition to the regular assigned patrols performed by EBRSO Deputies each month, SECPID contracts with off-duty deputies to
complete additional patrols to provide our neighborhood with an extra margin of safety. These fine deputies are screened and selected by the SECPID Security Director and EBRSO Captain Buquoi before they become part of our special patrols. They are proud to patrol in our neighborhood because they believe their efforts are making a great subdivision even better. In light of the current national turmoil that surrounds conversations about policing policies and procedures, I hope all of our neighbors will reach out to our deputies and let them know that we appreciate their commitment and skill. A smile, a wave, anything to let them know you appreciate their efforts.
The next scheduled meeting of SECPID will be 21 July at 6:30pm. The location of the meeting is yet to be determined since we do not know whether the covid19 status will allow us to meet at our regular location – The Jones Creek Library. If we are unable to meet at the library, you can join us on a Zoom video conference on the 21st. Details about the location of the meeting will be posted on the SECPID website a week before the meeting date so mark your calendar and check back for the details.
We welcome any ideas you’d like to share with us. Please go to our website––andselect“ContactUs”. We’dliketo hear from you. | MONTHLY UPDATE | July 2020
 Whether you are already paying the annual fee or not, please consider additional support for SECPID’s activities, which support and promote the value of Shenandoah Estates to its residents. Voluntary contributions may be mailed or given to any Commissioner. Checks can be made out to SECPID, and our mailing address is:
Shenandoah Estates Crime Prevention and Improvement District | Box 77926 | Baton Rouge, LA 70879-7926

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