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 Treasurer’s Report - Mike noted that the budget for 2018 was $22,650, and we have $8,000 left in the budget. This should be satisfactory if we don’t have any large surprise expenses. The executive members will have a meeting to discuss the 2019 budget and will present it at the November board meeting.
Security Report – Tom Hirschey – The patrol stats for Septem- ber will be published in the Newswatch. Tom reported that we will have an additional 30 hours of patrol in November and De- cember combined. The distribution of the extra patrol hours per month has yet to be determined. Tom also reported that work is underway to install our newest camera at Malvern Hill at Altus. We have also signed an agreement with Lake at White Oak and The Woods subdivision to share the costs of installing a camera at the entrance to The Woods. Tom noted that S. Ft. Clarke now has an outlet through the new parking lot of Southern Oaks Athletic Club. This may create the need for an additional camera on that street.
Tom reminded us that the National Day Out Against Crime will be held at St. Andrews Methodist Church on October 27 from noon until 3:00 p.m.
The next SECPID meeting will be held Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jones Creek Library. The 2019 budget will be discussed.
Architectural Report – Tom reported that we have been having difficulty getting in touch with city-parish inspectors to deter- mine the status of permit issues reported previously. Tom also reported new updates on several blight properties that had been reported
Newswatch and Website Report – Ed Craig – Ed reported that the next issue of Newswatch will go to press on 10/29. He said he is looking at going full color by the January issue.
Beautification Report – The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenan- doah Estates for October is 16803 Fort Pulaski. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website.
Entrance Committee Report – Sandy Smith – Sandy and Don presented plans drawn by the Newton Group. Comments and suggestions were shared by the group.
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