Page 9 - Trying Medal
P. 9

His mother said, “That was very good I. M., and here is your Medal. Wear it proudly.”
I. M. walked up and down in the nest admiring his Medal and feeling very proud. But at the end of the day he had to give it back to his mother who told him, “I. M. you looked great wearing your metal and maybe tomorrow you will find something more difficult or scary so you can wear it again.”
The next day, I. M. got out of the nest and walk to the edge of the branch. The following day, he tried eating some fresh corn his parents had gotten from a nearby farm. Each day he did something new, scary or difficult for him, his mother would give him the Medal and let him wear it in is wing feathers for the rest of the day.
Soon I. M. was getting out of the nest and walking all the way to the top of the tree. He no longer insisted on eating chopped worms and was happily eating broccoli and beets (neither of those are favorites of mine) and seeming to enjoy them.

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