Page 5 - The Angry Hornet
P. 5

I did not have anything else to do so I tagged along with the first boy as he walked down the trail. I flew from tree to tree as we moved deeper into the woods. I was sitting on a branch just above the boy when the first boy accidentally bumped into a Hornet’s hive. When the first boy bumped the hive, a guard bee flew out and stung him.
I heard the boy say to himself, “This was not fair! I was just taking a nice quiet walk and here comes this big stupid bee stinging me. I am too big and strong to be scared of a little bee. If my friends find out about this, they will make fun of me.”
The more he thought about these things the angrier he became. The first boy became so angry that a hornet had scared him that he got a stick and started hitting the hornet’s hive. What do you think happened next?
Of course you know that hornets are going to defend their home from attacks. There are a lot of them in a nest and they can sting many times. You can just imagine what happened. It was not a pretty sight. Since all humans look pretty much the same to crows, I have to give them names to remember them. This first boy with the stick I named, the “Fighting Boy.”

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