Page 25 - FS-Grizzly Bear
P. 25

You want the children to recall the irrational things that the Fighting Man told himself about the situation, in particular his belief that “others will make fun of me.” Next you want them to identify the emotions that would follow this type of irrational thinking. Finally you want the children to identify the Fighting Man’s behavior to the situation. It is not difficult for the children to see that this response was not smart and that the consequences were very bad.
Each man was confronted by a bear (bad situation) so the “A” Activating Event was the same. What was different about the three men was what they told themselves about the situation. First man’s “B” Beliefs about the situation determine how he will handle it.
What were some of things the first man told himself? “This is not fair”... “they will make fun of me”
What were the “C” emotions of the first man? Anger
What were the behaviors “C” of the first man? Hitting on the bear
If time permits, you can ask them, Are there ever times when you behave like this man?
This is an opportunity for your child to learn and develop trust in you. Use this as a “teaching moment” and not to be critical.
When you acted ( their examples) what were you thinking? Was that Good Thinking or Stinking?
Stinky Thinking
What were you feeling? Were your emotions OK or Not OK?
Not OK...very angry
How did you behave? Were your behaviors Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?Thumbs Down...(let them tell you their behavior)

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