Page 9 - SB-Jeff the Monkey
P. 9
The leader of the troop went over to Jeff and said very kindly, “I’m sorry Jeff but now that these trees have matured, they will stop producing fruit.” “Liar!” screamed Jeff. The leader shrugged and told Jeff that he could believe what he wanted but there would be no fruit.
A few weeks later, I woke up to all kind of racket in the grove. By now, I was accepted by the monkeys and flew down to the ground where they were all gathered. All the monkeys were ready to leave, except for Jeff.
They were all talking about how few bananas were left in the grove, just as the leader had predicted. They all agreed that it was time to leave. On a signal from the leader, they began their journey. They all climbed to the tops of the trees and began swinging from tree to tree in unison.
In the jostling of the trees, some of the few remaining bananas fell to the ground. Jeff ran to pick up the last few bananas. He looked up just in time to see the last of the troop disappear in the forest. “Ha Ha Ha,” he screamed at them. “I told you I would have plenty to eat,” as he held up a soggy, very black banana.
Dear reader, it was at this point that I too left Jeff in the old banana grove.