Page 10 - SB-Collard Green Garden
P. 10

Then suddenly, she heard a loud “Who?” and again “Who?” The young girl looked up and there sitting on a branch directly above her was a large, fat, dignified looking owl. He looked down at her with large intelligent eyes.
“Whoo... is talking about changing this garden? Why it is a little know-nothing girl! Don’t you know that you are not smart enough to change this garden? You don’t know how to plant new things and it will be too difficult. If you try and change the garden, everything you plant will die. Then you will be in really bad shape and have absolutely nothing to eat. Besides, lots of mice live in this garden and if you change it, they will leave.”
Once again the young girl told herself that she was foolish for even thinking about changing the garden. After all, the Owl was right. She did not know much about gardens and if everything she planted were to die... well, it was just too much to think about.
With that, she went into her house and poured herself a glass of collard cool aid and had a plate of collard cookies.

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