Page 10 - Playful Paul
P. 10
As I watched Paul, I keep thinking, “He likes playing a little too much. He seems too concerned about getting the others to laugh at him.” We probably all know someone who is like Paul.
It is nice to be able to have time to play. It is nice to have others enjoy your company and laugh at your jokes. But in my wild world and your human world, you can’t play all of the time. You also can not always be the “clown crow” or in your world, the “class clown”.
But this is not my wild world or even your human world, it is a zoo. So I asked myself, “Are the rules different here than in my world or the world of the humans?”
I knew what I should do and I finally got brave enough to do it. I flew into the panda cage and spoke to Paul’s mother. I would be lying if I told you I was not afraid. Pandas look a lot bigger close up but they only eat bamboo ... I hope.