Page 12 - September 2018
P. 12
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Architectural Report – Ken reported that a resident on Chancellorsville wants to put a new fence in his back yard. He was advised that he needs a permit. A resident on Manassas wants to change his chain link fence to a privacy fence. He was advised that he needs a permit and to make sure the fence is actually on his property. A house on Seven Pines with an over- grown lawn was reported to the city. Ken reported that the res- ident on Frederick who was building a 2-story detached play- house was granted a permit by the city. Work will progress on the building. A resident in attendance had a complaint about the fence behind her house that is overgrown with weeds and a tree from the property behind her. Ken will look into it. A resident on Antioch wants to build a shed behind his house. Ken will meet with him.
A question was raised about using golf carts on the streets in the subdivision. Tom stated that it is against state law for these vehicles to be operated in the street.
Tom and Ken noted that they follow up on all of the cases reported to the city as blight to make sure they are being taken care of.
Residents in attendance who live on Antioch expressed major concerns about dangerous speeding in the subdivision. The idea of speed bumps was again mentioned.
Tom reported that the school zone flashing lights are cur- rently located in the middle of the school zone. The city traffic engineer will move them to the spot where the metal school zone sign is and donate the base of the current flashing sign to the subdivision to be used for electronic driver feedback sign.
Three people have expressed interest in being a represen- tative from the Mayor’s Office to the SECPID board. SHA pres- ents the list of candidates with a recommendation to the Mayor’s Office for her to select a representative to the SECPID board. This is the only opening remaining on the SECPID board. SHA President will send the SHA board members an email with the names and bios of the candidates. SHA Board members will send their votes for their recommendation back to President be- fore the Annual meeting.
Newswatch and Website Report – Ed Craig – Ed report- ed that the website in August had an average of 73 users per day visiting the site. Also, 750 people have registered to receive the email blasts that are used to send timely and pertinent in- formation to residents. Every house in Shenandoah, a total of 2155, receives a physical copy of the Newswatch by mail each month.
Beautification Report – The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for September is 16802 Harpers Ferry. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nomi- nate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website.
Entrance Committee Report – Sandy Smith – Reported that he met with Newton Landscape. They have done the first revision of the two we paid for. Sandy reported that we should get something to look at in the next few weeks, and we hope to have it before the annual meeting next month.
Mike G. reported that the attorney who worked with us re- garding the insurance claim suggested we not close the books on the claim just yet but should file suit against the insurance company on a contingency basis for full sign damage repair costs. Mike made a motion to allow the attorney to use the legal fee we already paid them to file suit on our behalf on a 60/40 contingency contract. Don seconded the motion as long at it does not cost SHA any more money. Motion passed.
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Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 12
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