Page 21 - Animals to Atlantis
P. 21

4. What type of thinking did the Dodo have when he told himself, I know all I need to know about all I need to know about?
a. S nky Thinking
b. Good Thinking
c. Thumbs Up Thinking
5. Without these Gi s what would the human world be like? a. Everyone would get along nicely and be friendly.
b. There would be a lot of disease, confusion and anger.
c. It would be even be er than it is today.
Each of you has the opportunity to have the Gifts that are in this fable. But unlike in the story, you will not be given the Gifts. You must work to have them. There will be times when a Gift may seem like a lot of trouble. But you should keep in mind that possessing these Gifts is what made it possible for humans to rule the earth.

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