Page 15 - Chocolate Festival
P. 15

Out of the shadows of the woods stepped Fuzzy Tail. He turned to the others still hiding and said, “There, you see that in the sky. He rides on the wings of hawks. He is a traitor.” Red Tail then stepped from the shadows and said, “We will have very little to eat this winter.” All the squirrels who were gathered shook their heads in agreement.
I heard from my cousins that Squiggy is doing just fine with a new colony. He was sad about leaving but he really had little choice. The new colony does not have a “Chocolate Festival” or anything like that and they really like Squiggy.
Squiggy’s former colony had plenty of food for the winter and were not been bothered by hawks. But they still talk about how Squiggy was trying to cause problems by refusing to eat chocolate at the festival. No one ever questioned if all that trouble was really necessary.
In fact, my cousins say that more and more of the colony seem to be leaving because of various silly things, like having the “wrong” eye color or “wrong” tail length.
Members of the colony are always fussing and bickering with each other and my cousins think that they are
very unhappy. It is too bad that they did not learn that Stinky Thinking causes prejudice and prejudice can cause unhappiness.

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