Page 24 - Chocolate Festival
P. 24
1. Why didn’t Squiggy par cipate in the Chocolate Fes val? Was this an example of Good Thinking or S nky Thinking?
a. He did not like chocolate. S nky Thinking.
b. He wanted the others to realize that he was di erent from the rest of them. S nky Thinking c. He did not like chocolate. Good Thinking.
2. When others want you to do something and you don’t want to due to your Good Thinking, is it OK to refuse?
a. No, as you should always be kind to others.
b. Yes, if you refuse in a nice way.
c. Yes but let them know that you think that they are stupid.
3. Red Tail did not understand why Squiggy did not want to eat chocolate, so he just made up a reason. Is that an example of Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down behavior? Why?
a. Thumbs Up. It was an OK reason to be upset with Squiggy.
b. Thumbs Down. You should never be ugly to others on purpose because of your S nky Thinking.
c. Thumbs Down. Because it got Red Tail in trouble.
4. When others say things about you that are not true, should you become upset? If so, why? a. Yes, because you can’t let other people lie about you.
b. No, because you have no control over the S nky Thinking and behavior of others. c. Yes, because if you don’t get upset, others will think it is true.
5. Fuzzy Tail told the others that Squiggy was a friend of the hawks. When you tell an untruth and someone else gets in trouble, what type of thinking are you using?
a. Normal b. Good c. S nky
6. If someone tells an untruth and you know it is an untruth, should you go along with the untruth or say that it is an untruth?
a. In most cases, say it is untrue.
b. In most cases, go along with the untruth.
c. It depends on whether or not you like the person being talked about.
7. If you tell someone that they are not being truthful in a way that is not intended to be ugly and they get upset with you, should you feel bad and apologize? If so, why?
a. You should apologize because you made them angry.
b. You should feel bad because you probably made the situa on worse.
c. You should not feel bad or apologize because they are making themselves upset.
8. Is “making fun of” or ridiculing someone just as bad as what the other squirrels did to Squiggy?
a. Yes, because you are responding to your own S nky Thinking and being hur ul. b. No, because you are just having fun and they know it is a joke.
c. No, because everyone does it and you just have to get used to it.
9. What could the other squirrels have said to Red Tail and Fuzzy Tail when they were making up those stories about Squiggy, which would have changed the end of the story?
a. They could have asked for proof and if they did not think it was real, just walk away.
b. They could have said that they were lying and run them out of the colony.
c. They could have voted on whether they believed them and if they did, then Squiggy would have had to leave.
10. Which of these is an example of how you might be prejudiced because of your S nky Thinking?
a. Another student in your class is always making fun of you so you decide to not sit next to them at lunch.
b. You choose not to read a book in the library because the man on the cover is of a di erent race.
c. You choose to support a team in the Super Bowl only because you like their uniform colors.