Page 31 - Woolly Whilners
P. 31
Whining is so typical in children that we assume that it is normal and that they will outgrow it. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that they will outgrow it (we rarely spontaneously stop a behavior that
is working).
A young child may whine about homework to the point that a parent will do it for them or let poor quality work be returned to school. Unfortunately an addi onal nega ve impact of the whining is that the child now sees their belief, It is too hard or Will take too long,
as correct.
As these children get older their outward whining behavior may not be present or as obvious but since their S nky Thinking, It is too hard or Will take too long has been con rmed, they s ll have poor study skills and do poorly in school.
Cosmos is poin ng out that the Whining is usually an indica on that there is some S nky Thinking occurring and that it will lead to Not OK emo ons and Thumbs Down behavior.
1. What type of thinking would a Woolly Whiner have if he told himself, This homework is too hard and will take too long?
S nky Thinking
2. If a Woolly Whiner thinks like he did in ques on number 1, he will be frustrated and angry. What do you call those types of emo ons.
Not OK emo ons
3. Because the Woolly Whiner was frustrated and angry, what was his behavior? What do you call that type of behavior?
He did not study and did poorly in school... Thumbs Down behavior