Page 8 - Ngara prospectus 2017
P. 8

The strategy
The Ngara Institute has a comprehensive list of media outlets around the country: TV, print, radio and online.
We are building links with the media in order to promote Ngara’s voice into the public sphere. Additionally, we have
a strong and experienced team managing our various digital platforms. We envisage that Ngara will this year make signi cant advances in terms of expanding our reputation
in Australia and beyond.
One of our key aims is to counter the narratives peddled
by Australian conservative thinks tanks, and to hold them to account. We intend to participate in media panel discussions – like Q&A and The Drum – where, so often, progressive voices are absent. Conservative think tanks have played a key role
in advancing the neoliberal agenda and, by the same token, have helped formulate government policies that directly bene t multinational corporations. The views and opinions of these supposedly ‘independent’ entities should be contested whenever and wherever possible.
In addition to this work, we provide general commentary on contemporary issues through our various digital platforms and in the print media. We also undertake media interviews and  eld questions from those seeking information on current issues from a progressive perspective.
Content contributors
The Institute has assembled a range of content contributors
- activists, academics and journalists – to provide critical commentary on current issues. Our intention is to be at the center of public debate with prompt and accurate responses. The opportunities for doing so are endless, limited only by available funds and human resources.

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