Page 5 - UJAMAA Company profile
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Ujamaa Ortho, is a people-centric medical device company with orthopae- dic implants at the heart of our operation. Ujamaa is a kiSwahili word meaning co-operative economics and it is upon this foundation that the company is built. UJAMAA is a level 1 BBBEE contributor and a licensed distributor of orthopaedic implants in South Africa.
The global orthopaedic trauma fixation market was worth 7.52 billion USD in 2017 and it is estimated to grow to 11.42 billion USD by 2023 with a compound annual growth rate of 7.21% between 2017 and 2023. South Africa’s medical de- vices industry was estimated at 1,774 billion USD in 2018 with fixation devices constituting 45 million USD with projected growth to 51 million USD by 2020. In a net import market constituted of foreign multinationals and their local subsidiar- ies, with small scale manufacturing of surgical instruments, spine and arthroplas- ty products. UJAMAA is well positioned as the only 100% African, youth-owned, company in the sector.
Having being established in 2017, UJAMAA is operational in three provinces and is active in both public and private healthcare sectors. We provide top quality products along with a reliable bespoke service to our clients, excellence is our default setting. Supporting our clients and staff’s professional development is a key component of the company as it is only through a commitment to life-long learning that we can provide innovative products to our patients and a quintes- sential service to our clients.