Page 18 - 2018 Domestic Boarding Admissions Brochure
P. 18
A Day in the Life of a Boarding Student
7:45 am 7:45 – 8:20
8:35 12:15 pm 3:00 4:00
7:30 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:30
10:30 10:45 11:00
Residential Faculty wake up the Freshmen and Sophomores (Juniors and Seniors wake up on their own)
Eat breakfast in the dining hall with other boarding students and day students. Breakfast includes eggs made as you like, sausage/bacon, oatmeal, and more.
Head to your first class of the day. The dorms are centrally located, so it’ll only take you a few minutes to get to your classroom.
Eat lunch on the balcony with your friends while looking at the beautiful Windy Hill Preserve across the street from campus.
Classes end! Go see teachers for extra help or attend one of over 20 different student-led clubs like Robotics, Model United Nations, or the Sustainability club.
Go to practice if you’re on a sports team or rehearsal if you’re in a theater production.
Gather with your dormmates for a delicious dinner.
Student favorites include steak and potatoes, Malaysian crab, Korean galbi (bbq short-ribs), and more. Then hang out with friends before study hall or get started on your work early.
Study in the library, one of the dorm lounges, or in your room with the door open. Residential Faculty members are there to answer questions and help you if you get stuck or need some extra motivation.
Quiet free time. Continue working on homework, go down to the gym to work out or shoot baskets, or bring your instrument to one of the solo practice rooms in the Performing Arts Center.
Everyone must be in their dorms for the night.
Finish your dorm chores.
Everyone retires to their rooms for the night. Freshmen must go to bed while upper classmen can stay up so long as they are quiet.