Page 7 - 2017 Domestic Boarding Admission Brochure
P. 7

Our on-campus community is a close, tight-knit family consisting of over 110 people – 55 boarding students and 24 Faculty members and their families. Our boarding program is sixty percent international and forty percent domestic, and our international students integrate 􏰀uidly with our domestic boarders and day students. Often, it􏰁s hard to tell which
is which.
One unique aspect of our boarding program is that we have a full-time Residential Faculty. Their work day starts after the school day ends so that their sole focus is on our boarding students􏰁 lives outside of the classroom – in the afternoon, evening, and on the weekends. Combined with our small size, this means that students receive individualized, personal attention and form strong relationships with the faculty.

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