Page 145 - 2019 Priory Yearbook
P. 145

   Emma Jaeger: Most likely to forget to accept her Nobel Prize because she was playing with her cat.
Tara Kariat: Most likely to follow some deer into the woods and decide to live amongst them.
Claire Kim: Most likely to win a nobel prize in pessimism and physics at the same time.
Daniel Klein: Most likely to be diplomatic 24/7.
Jacob Kowalski: Most likely to sail off the edge of the world.
Tatsuo Kumamoto: Most likely to own a banana farm.
Chloe Lahham: Most likely to get a Pulitzer Prize in Literature.
Ila Lane: Most likely to be the youngest to win MVP at the WNBA.
Justin Manrao: Most likely to only wear gray-scale colors the rest of his life.
Brianna Maroney: Most likely to do horse aerobics.
Maisy McWright: Most likely to lock her keys in her car, rage quit, walk to Alaska, and join a beaver colony. Rachael Miller: Most likely to save a horse.
Milan Pandey: Most likely to develop lactose intolerance due to overconsumption of dairy.
Grace Peek: Most likely to design her own wedding dress. Joe Petersdorf: Most likely to start an indie rock band. Caleb Pollack: Most likely to nap through the MCAT. Kensy Ponterio: Most likely to start her own organic kombucha brand.
Lily Price: Most likely to still be singing and dancing to Kpop at the age of 90.
Kara Reiss: Most likely to own a pet shop.
Addison Reynolds: Most likely to star in Wicked on Broadway.
Cristy Rosario Perez: Most likely to swim in the Olympics. Gabby Ruiz: Most likely to spread love with her laugh. Chris Russell: Most likely to animate the next Happy Tree Friends.
Stephanie Sanchez: Most likely to be your sports medicine doctor.
Joey Sausville: Most likely to be best dressed at CMC. Ryan Schackel: Most likely to apologize to the losing team at a robotics competition.
Henry Sengelmann: Most likely to wear basketball shorts to a wedding.
Hannah Sheridan: Most likely to hug you till she kills you. Ethan Sheynblat: Most likely to go to Supreme Court for a parking violation.
Andrew Sirenko: Most likely to wear a parka in the desert. Delphine Tan: Most likely to finish her job interview with “yeet”.
Olivia Treynor: Most likely to get kicked off SNL’s writing team for being too edgy.
AnaMalia Veamatahau: Most likely to be a hula dancer with the best smile.
Ben Veghte: Most likely to design the next best technological device.
Kelly Walsh: Most likely to be a pro sponsored surfer. Mackae Wilcox: Most likely to use a wheely backpack in college.
Billy Youstra: Most likely to make his wife play Smash on their wedding night.
Leyan Zhai: Most likely to get valedictorian in college and then forget to write a speech.
 Sophia Giarrusso: Most likely to be an (embarrassment) sponge.
Xenia Gonikberg: Most likely to be a fashion icon.
Katie Hammond: Most likely to ski down every mountain on Earth.
Ryan Harrison: Most likely to wear Rip n Dip every day of his life.
Amelia Hoffmann: Most likely to win an Oscar for best actress.
Sebastian Hou: Most likely to be late to the Oscars after his film is nominated.

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