Page 27 - Remodel 30A Magazine Fall 2020 Issue
P. 27

 Inlet Beach Project Year: 2009 10, Three-Story Condo Units 2-year-old building Cost: Approximately $1.2 million Project highlights • 40 covered porches were torn out and re- built—including decking and waterproofing • The concrete tile had to be completely removed to get to the deck structure. • Replaced many rotton, unsafe beams be- tween the floors. • Added new porch trim and handrails plus new tile on the porches • Additional stucco, painting and extensive interior work was also required.  This project was one of the first structural dam- age projects 850 Building Group completed. The water- proofing on the second and third floor decks were not done properly and had to be ripped out and completely re-done. In addition, we learned during the project that the waterproofing in about 28 showers wasn’t done cor- rectly either, so they all had to be replaced. These build- ings were not even two years old at the time.   What went wrong? Like what was mentioned above, water intrusion al- most always happens because of poor waterproofing. This was the case for this project as well. The original contractor was out of state and didn’t have much ex- perience in waterproofing. It’s unfortunate because it’s a relatively simple thing to prevent if done properly early on, but if not, can end up being extremely costly. 27  

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