Page 54 - ORION - United Civilization - Issue #3
P. 54

   Notable Scientist Publishes A Book About ‘Real Magic’ That Nobel Laureates Are Endorsing – Collective Evolution
Is magic real? That depends on how you define it, but yes, I believe ‘magic’ is definitely re and I’m clearly not the only one. Cases of ‘supernormal’ powers and ‘magic’ of all kinds ha been reported throughout history and across almost all cultures–at least until religion was invented and these topics were ushered into the realm [...]
       teleportation proved molecules
 can be in two places at once
Notable Scientist Publishes A Book About ‘Real Magic’ That Nobel Laureates Are Endorsing
 Scientists Publish A New Study Examining Humans’ Ability To Accurately Predict Future Events
     Scientists Publish A New Study Examining Humans’ Ability To Accurately Predict Future Events – Collective Evolution
Precognition, is it real? If you examine the research that’s been published in this field, from peer-reviewed publications and controlled experiments, combined with the declassified literature from parapsychology programs from multiple governments around the world, th evidence for the ability of humans to accurately predict future events is overwhelming to t point where I am [...]
                Teleportation Proved - Molecules Can Be In Two Places At Onc - Alien News
Physicists finally managed to shed some light upon how molecules behave and discovered that even massive molecules can exist in two places at the same time. Does this mean that teleportation is a real thing? A new discovery showed that not only atoms can be in two places at the same time, but also molecules....
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