Page 24 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #10
P. 24

Hana-matsuri Flower Festival (Hana-matsuri) April 8th
Hana-matsuri | SOTOZEN-NET
SOTOZEN-NET > Practice > The Soto Zen Annual Event Calendar > Spring > Hana-matsuri. Hana-matsuri Flower Festival (Hana-matsu April 8th. Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday is celebrated on April 8th. He was born 2500 years ago to King Suddhodana and Queen Maya the garden of Lumbini which was located in Kapilavastu, a small kingdom in the Himalayan foothills.
Annual Surrey Vaisakhi Parade cancelled due to coronavirus
Annual Surrey Vaisakhi Parade cancelled due to coronavirus - Vancouver Is Awesom
Organziers have cancelled the 2020 Surrey Vaisakhi Khalsa Parade until further notice due the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic. Gurdwara Sahib Dasmesh Darbar, organizers the annual parade, state that they, "made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 event un further notice or a significant change in the transmission of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic."
New addition completes bicentenary websites: a unique glimpse of unity in diversity
New addition completes bicentenary websites: a unique glimpse of diversity | BWNS
BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE — A new section, featuring images, videos, and music f commemorations of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Bab, now complet bicentenary websites.. These websites stand as a permanent testament to how B many of their compatriots throughout the world—from major urban centers to r locations—commemorated the bicentennial ...
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