Page 58 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #10
P. 58

Isolation and anxiety: strategies to cope during COVID-19
Isolation and anxiety: strategies to cope during COVID-19
Be kind to yourself. COVID-19 is primarily a concern for our physical health. But the precautions needed to slow the spread of the disease, such as isolating yourself from othe may make you feel anxious and stressed, even if you’re not ill from the virus.
Working during self-isolation: How to support yourself and the kids
Working during self-isolation: How to support yourself and the kids | ArtsHu Australia
Many parents are worried, anxious and fearful – about their families' health and about keeping their jobs. When children’s routines are interrupted as well, it can cause chaos for parents, not knowing how to respond and how to remain calm. Although these enforceme make sense to slow the ...
7 digital libraries you can visit from your couch - CNN
(CNN)Check this out: You can still celebrate National Library Week, which begin home. Here are seven digital libraries with specialized collections you can visit t
Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic | Common Sense Media
Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic Navigate social distanc school closures with quality media and at-home learning opportunities for your
            7 digital libraries you can visit from your couch
      Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic
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