Page 86 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #12
P. 86

 IANDS - the most reliable source of information on NDEs
The IANDS publication The Self Does Not Die is a significant research work by Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven and Rudolf Smit, describing 104 verified p phenomena from near-death experiences (NDEs). The book has already been cited 16 times in NDE scholarly literature and has sold over 3,000 co 2016.
The Illusion of Matter: Our Physical Material World Isn’t Really Physical At All – Collective Evolution
The Illusion of Matter: Our Physical Material World Isn’t Physical At All –
Again, our physical material reality really ISN’T physical at all. The meaning, signi implications of these findings within our quantum world have led to a plethora theories, some of which lay inside the label of “pseudo-science.” This article will scientific evidence that clearly show the connections between consciousness an
Where Quantum Physics, Neuroscience & Health Merge With Spirituality
Where Quantum Physics, Neuroscience & Health Merg Spirituality – Collective Evolution
Things have drastically changed since Galileo was placed under house arrest f scientifically accurate views, simply because they threatened the beliefs put ou Catholic Church at the time. Today, things have changed, to an extent. We still information that is heavily controlled by the global elite. This small group of p
International Association for Near-Death Studies- IANDS - the most reliable source of information on NDEs
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