Page 108 - ORION-United Civilizations, Issue #13
P. 108

How the Ancients Accessed Genetic Memory and Savant-Like Abilities
How the Ancients Accessed Genetic Memory an Savant-Like Abilities | Ancient Origins
The concept known as “genetic memory” is much less studied and far controversial than what we know as “regular” memory. Whilst there are of other examples in animals (see: Gallagher, 2013), according to the d psychiatrist and author Dr. Darold Treffert, these mysterious genetic m may also apply to humans too (Treffert, 2015).
Acquired Savant Syndrome Shows Superhuman Skills Latent in Anyone
Is Acquired Savant Syndrome Proof That We're Geniuses? | Gaia
Savant typically designates dysfunction in one area of the brain juxtapo some paradoxical function in another part; what leading researcher, Dr. Treffert refers to as an “island of genius.”. Most people have heard stori the prodigious skills that savants possess, and one can’t bring up the t mentioning the movie Rain Man, which portrayed the life of Kim ...
How Intentions And Vibration Generate More Experiences Than Your Brain - Gaia
How Intentions And Vibration Generate More Experiences Than Your B Wagner. March 30, 2020. 6 min read. We are all lucky to be alive during the planet’s history. There are still abundances of healthy people, anim vegetation, water sources, minerals, healing herbs, and etheric Beings. also wondrous ...
            How Intentions And Vibration Generate More
 Experiences Than Your Brain - Gaia
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