Page 15 - Oct Mag
P. 15

                George & Angel Darts Team 1996
Party in the Park
Although the weather was a bit on the cool side the event was well supported for a first time. As the evening came and the weather was warmer, Gazebo’s arrived, Picnic Rugs and Crowlanders came for an opportunity to enjoy some good music, a bit of a dance and to share an evening with friends. Thanks have to go to the volunteers who helped with the set up and take down, the raffle ticket sellers who did a Grand job and to RTC for their support. To those who donated raffles prizes – thank you very much. As for the fireworks our thanks to Martin Strickland, who not only organised the fireworks for us at very short notice, but also lit the beacon. Also thanks to Crowland Parish Council for their support
To all those who attended, thank you and we hope you had a good night.
Back row L/R
Ken Benstead, Ernie Sharp, Eric Benstead, Bunny Clow, Ron Bennett, Peter Pheonix, Alan Briers, Terry Franklin
Front row L/R
Sid Harker, Ralph Wright, Harry Steel and Wally Beeken, (Landlord)

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