Page 18 - Oct Mag
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Firstly, we would like to congratulate all of the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge. We had a great response this year and were really pleased that so many were able to read the six books in six weeks. If you have completed the challenge but have not yet collected your certificate, please pop into the library so we can give you your reward. Well done to everyone who took part.
Secondly, if you are a regular visitor to the library, you may have noticed a few changes to the layout. This is due to the ‘Crime’ and ‘Thriller’ categories merging together and requiring more shelf space. We have moved the ‘Large Print’ to the side wall (under the Artists of Crowland paintings) and have moved adult fiction (A-Z) to the shelves behind our new ‘Crime’ section. The ‘Romance’, ‘Westerns’, ‘Sci-fi’, ‘Non-Fiction’, ‘Talking Books’ and ‘Children’s’ remain unchanged.
Autumn in the Children’s section – we are creating a new display called ‘Leaf through a book this autumn’ and we need your help... we would like all the children who use the library to write
their name and favourite book on one of the leaves, which we will then staple to the display.
October Book of the Month
Title: Clever Dog – The Secrets Your Dog Wants You To Know
Author: Sarah Whitehead
Published: Harper Collins Publishers, Publication Date: 2012
Genre: Non-fiction Category: Animal – 636.708
With the summer holidays well underway we decided that our book of the month will be one for the boys, and girls if they would like to be creative
There are 94 different activities in this book, so there is probably
something for all ages and abilities. Projects include making a football shoot-out game, mummies, monster bookmarks, bouncing bats, Roman
soldier paper chains, flying dragons, cowboy belts and lots more.
Most projects use simple materials, like cardboard and paper, so most projects can be done with little expense.
You will find this book and more like it in the Children Non-Fiction section of the library – we have several craft books with different projects in,
so if you get bored, pop into the library and see if one of our books can tempt you.
Services available at the library
Photocopying, Computer Access, Printing, Story Time, Local Newspapers and Town Magazine
With nearly 5000 books in Crowland Library, there is plenty to choose from and something for everyone, whether you are 2 or 102!

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