Page 3 - Oct Mag
P. 3

                                 Dear readers,
Crowland Town Magazine
Welcome back after our Summer break, did you miss us? The Summer has been a busy time in Crowland and this issue contains reports on many of the events including the Party in the Park, the Hub’s Summer Program and the Flower Festival.
As always Crowland has demonstrated the willingness of its residents to get together and provide volunteer support to keep events running.
You will also see that there are a number of forthcoming events.
I hope that you all enjoyed your Summer holidays and good luck to all those children
who are starting a new term at school.
Please forward any comments or items for inclusion in the magazine
to or hand in to Classic Printers. For any other advertising please contact Jen on 210749
The views expressed in this magazine are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Crowland Town Magazine Committee.
Magazine inserts
A loose flyer will cost £30 and can be no bigger than A5 [or a folded A4]
and no smaller than an A6. You will need 2100 copies. Please take your insert to The Hardware Store by Trinity Bridge, by the 19th of the previous month, with your payment. We require a name, and either an address or a landline phone number with all flyers - just for our records; they needn’t go on the flyer.
Togs ‘n’ Cloggs
Have you visited Togs ‘n’ Cloggs recently? If not you will be missing our Summer Collection. Our customers have christened us “The Harrods of Crowland” and we strive to provide the best quality wearables at extremely attractive prices.
Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm we would be happy to see you, please visit and browse our ever changing stock.
We are currently experiencing a lean time re our volunteers through broken bones,
illness etc so if you can spare a few hours a week or a month to volunteer for either morning or afternoon shifts please contact
or leave details at Togs ‘n’ Cloggs or Crowland Hub.
You can now phone us on 01733 210 668
Open Tues - Sat 10am - 4pm at 10 South Street
Paul Bywater, Editor

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