Page 26 - Interclean COVID SAFE cleaning systems for Johnston Hospitality
P. 26

To work out which cleaning cloth or procedure was the
best we applied ATP using chicken, grapes and spinach. This was spread over all surfaces and the average reading after applying the ATP was 15,267. This was considered our control level prior to cleaning.
We then cleaned each of the surfaces with different cloths and chemicals and tested each surface three times to end up with an average for each method.
As you can see the paper towel and disinfectant method reduced the amount of ATP by the least amount, removing only 96.79%
The Isopropyl Alcohol wipes only reduced ATP by 97.36% as they are not designed for cleaning but rather for disinfecting of clean surfaces
The correctly moistened launder-able microfibre was much better than the over-wet microfibre, teaching us that over-wet cloths pickup less than correctly moistened ones.
The Disposable Microfibre moistened with Benzalkonium Chloride disinfectant removed 99.99% of ATP proving that High Quality microfibre, moistened correctly, with a quality disinfectant is the best way to keep Touchpoints clean.
The Facility wipes were the most cost effective way to clean touchpoints and were nearly as good as the disposable microfibre.

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