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HAJJ LEAVE FOR MUSLIM EMPLOYEE 46.55 All Muslim employees are eligible to apply for Hajj leave once during their work with Khidmah. 46.56 The period for Hajj leave is 15 calendar days for employees who have completed at least two years of continuous employment with Khidmah. The leave can be extended up to a maximum of 30 days, subject to line-manager approval. MATERNITY LEAVE STIPULATIONS 46.57 Approval should be done 90 days before the planned leave. 46.58 Hajj leave is considered as unpaid leave. PATERNITY LEAVE FOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF 46.59 A male staff member shall be eligible to paid paternity leave of five (5) working days per delivery by their registered spouse. PATERNITY LEAVE STIPULATIONS: 46.60 The request must be supported by valid evidence of delivery (e.g. birth certificate) or expected delivery and prior approval must be obtained from the line-manager. DAYS IN LIEU 46.61 An employee working on a weekend will be entitled for days in lieu based on below condition. DAYS IN LIEU STIPULATIONS 46.62 Employees performing their duties during weekends due to work exigencies be entitled for the days in lieu of working on the weekends. 46.63 This should be pre-approved by the line-manager and HC Director. 46.64 Days in lieu should be used 3 months or the same will be forfeited. EMPLOYEES ON PROBATION PERIOD FOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF 46.65 Sick leave is considered as unpaid leave, in case it falls within the probationary period. 46.66 After completion of 6 months of service, employee may avail of annual leave provided this is approved by the Line Manager. 46.67 If the employee leaves the company before he completes 6 months of service, this leave will be considered as unpaid leave and deduction from his final dues. OTHER TYPES OF LEAVE 46.68 All other types of leave will be awarded to employees in accordance with the UAE Labor Law. 46.69 Leave during notice period: a) If the employee resigns or is terminated (with a notice period to serve), the employee are not allowed to apply for any leave of absences. 47 Absence (Absconding) 47.1 HC shall investigate all unexpected absences promptly. In such cases, the absent Employee shall be required to provide a written justification for his/ her absence with supporting documents (if applicable). 47.2 Should there be no acceptable reasons for absence, HC shall treat the matter as a conduct issue and deal with it in accordance with the disciplinary policy and procedure. 47.3 Any Employee who is on unauthorized absence for more than seven (7) consecutive days or twenty (20) non-consecutive days may be declared an absconder and shall be reported to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization. Section E | Employee Relations Human Capital Policy Manual 43 of 76 © Khidmah | V2.0 | January 2021 | KHI-HC-POL-001