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TECHNICAL STAFF 64.2 It is expected that the complainant will make a sincere and genuine attempt to resolve the problem informally by resolving the grievance with his/her immediate superior. In case the immediate team leader did not resolve the issue(s) raised by the concerned employee, the complainant can then follow the below escalation matrix: 64.3 Any employee making a complaint shall report that complaint in writing to his/her immediate supervisor. The complaint shall be made within 1 week of the event, activity, or occurrence generating the complaint. 64.4 After discussion between the employee and the supervisor, if it is determined that the complaint can be resolved immediately and informally, the supervisor will take action to resolve the complaint. However, the supervisor shall submit a written report within three (3) business days of the filing of the complaint to Human Capital Manager, detailing both the complaint and the proposed resolution. 64.5 The policy of Khidmah is to encourage its members to attempt, to the extent that is possible, to resolve the grievance in an informal way. In the event that the informal resolution is not considered satisfactory by the aggrieved, he/she can initiate a formal grievance procedure. 64.6 Khidmah will take all possible steps to ensure that: a) No victimization or retaliation against complainant will take place. b) The complainant has the opportunity to formally present his/her case with the Human Capital department. c) Written and / or verbal explanation of the Human Capital department decisions of grievance are provided. d) Where the decision is in favor of complainant, action will be taken to implement corrective and preventive procedure to prevent issue from recurring. e) All the employees have a 24/7 accessibility to Human Capital email (, to report any matter openly. Alternatively, the line-manager can seek the verbal advice of Human Capital department. 64.7 The following are matters that can be resolved from the team-leader, supervisor, and site-manager on-site. Otherwise, if this is not satisfactorily settled, the technical staff can seek the advice of HC: a) Uniforms; b) Insurance; c) Leave; d) Minor fighting; e) Air ticket; f) Accommodation; and, g) Transportation. 64.8 The following are mmatters that can be escalated by the line-manager or employee (where applicable) to HC, if areare not resolved within 3 working days. a) Fighting. b) Harassment (e.g. verbal abuse, victimization). c) Use of Alcohol or drugs. d) Any other relevant gross misconduct. e) Performance related issues (warnings, terminations etc.) FORMAL GRIEVANCE APPLICATION (IN CASE THE SUBJECT IS NOT RESOLVED WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT) 64.9 If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved, the aggrieved may submit a request to the HCHC for the informal discussion of the problem. HC will consider the issue and may suggest a course of action to resolve the matter or attempt to mediate between the complainant and the person(s) concerned. 64.10 If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, a formal complaint can be lodged to the Human Capital department as per the below process: 64.11 The complainant must provide information to the Human Capital department per the below requirement. The complainant must complete the Grievance Form and submit it to the Human Capital department. The lodged complaint must be made in writing and shall include the following information: a) Reasons for and details of the complaint. b) Attach or include any supporting information or documents (e.g. evidence) where applicable. c) Explanation of the steps taken to resolve the matter informally, and why response received are not considered satisfactory. d) What the complainant thinks needs to be done to address the concern raised. e) The Human Capital department will receive the complaint, reply in writing to confirm its receipt, and process it within 14 working days from the date of receiving complaint. Human Capital Policy Manual 63 of 76 © Khidmah | V2.0 | January 2021 | KHI-HC-POL-001 Section H | Disciplinary and Grievances 1) Team leader 2) Supervisor 3) On-site Manager