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66.14 Once visa is cancelled and documents are submitted by visa team, payroll team to proceed with final settlement process, seek signature from HC Manager, HC Director and Finance Director within 4-5 working days from the date the documents submitted by Visa team. 66.15 If an employee has any undertaking letter (loan) issued from company, payroll team to send an employment cancellation letter to bank through PRO. 66.16 Deduction of company related loans and benefits In case of Employee Separation 66.17 For any employee who exits the company whether resigned or terminated, the following benefits will be deducted on a pro-rated basis. a) Training fees, housing advance, educational allowance. 66.18 Note for the Airfare Benefit. a) It is the only benefit which is deducted in full amount and not on a pro-rated basis in case of not completing one full year of service. a1) For this specific benefit, if the employee is terminated, then the recovery of airfare benefit does not apply. b) Staff are only eligible for the full airfare amount provided that they complete their full year of service from their joining date. b1) If the employee resigns, then the recovery of airfare benefit (self, spouse, and dependents) applies in full. Unless the employee completes one full year of service. c) The same deduction applies to spouse and dependents airfare from the date of registering the airfare benefit with HC. 66.19 For Technical staff, If the employee does not complete the probationary period (resigns or is terminated) then the following applies; a) The annual leave accrued during 6 months will be recovered. b) The Technical Staff recruitment agency is to provide return air ticket, only if candidate was found to be medically unfit or was terminated due to behavioral performane issue. 66.20 Employee Notice Period a) Employees at different job grades have a requirement to fulfill different notice period, as follows; Grade 2-3 4 5-9 Notice Period 3 months 2 months 1 month Section I | End of Employment 66.21 If the employee resigns or is terminated (with a notice period to serve), the employee are not allowed to apply for any leave of absences. Human Capital Policy Manual 67 of 76 © Khidmah | V2.0 | January 2021 | KHI-HC-POL-001