Page 11 - Demo
P. 11

 The capital stock may be paid in cash or assets. Should part of the capital be paid in assets, the value of these assets must be assessed by an evaluation report prepared by three independent experts or by an audit company, being duly submitted for the approval of the quota holders of the company.
Note that foreign investments in Brazil must be registered under the Brazilian Central Bank within 30 days as of the entry of the resources/ investments in the country.
Important to note that Brazilian law provides several forms of corporate organization, with the most widely adopted being the Limited Liability Companies (Sociedades Limitadas) and the Anonymous Corporations (Sociedades Anônimas).
Recently, Brazilian law also adopted a slightly different type of Limited Liability Company, called “EIRELI”, composed of only one quota holder. Below we will briefly describe the most common types of corporate organizations: Limited Liability Companies, Anonymous Corporations, and EIRELI.
1.1 Limited Liability Companies (Sociedades Limitadas)
The Brazilian Civil Code governs Limited Liability Companies. The capital stock is divided into quotas with the same face value, where each quota representing the amount
 Important to note that Brazilian law provides several forms of corpo- rate organization, with the most widely adop- ted being the Limited Liability Companies (Sociedades Limitadas) and the Anonymous Corporations (Socieda- des Anônimas).

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