Page 59 - Demo
P. 59
The main purposes of compliance programs are preventing, detecting and providing the proper answer
to illegal acts performed by any employee, partner or supplier.
companies and individuals involved in the mistreating of personal data of clients, customers and third parties, further fostering the necessity of implementing compliance programs in Brazilian companies.
The prevention of illicit acts is generally based on the analysis of the corporate structure, which includes, among others, personnel, suppliers, and activities carried out by the company, and on a risk assessment to identify the focal points to guarantee the effectiveness of the compliance program. This procedure aims at enabling compliance programs to
be organized in accordance with
the needs and peculiarities of each company.
Despite the costs involving in the implementation of a compliance program, identification of the most sensible and risky areas of the company may inhibit excessive and unnecessary expenses not only with
Law 12,846/2013, also known as the Anticorruption Law, is one of the most prominent Brazilian legislation that encourages companies to seek the creation of compliance programs, to avoid harsh penalties for misconducts.