Page 27 - REVIVAL Magazine
P. 27
“A lady walks in quiet confidence. Never striving, chasing or clamoring for attention, and because of this,
f rst met Sharaya in
he gets it.”
the Spring of 2016. WAlthough to say that
we “met” that day isn’t entirely accurate.
happened to be a 6’ tall animatronic monster (it’s
a long story...), my friend and photographer, Mo, my prop master Dave (and his rather impressive array of steam punk prop weapons, fashioned entirely out of Arepurposed machine parts), Victorian costumes and all of our camera gear.
e were
all in the studio: ve models, one of whom
s fate would would have it, I had just suffered a pinched nerve in my shoulder.
Between the searing pain
of that, art directing, what felt like 10 pounds of 1897 garb and the studio lights, I was...uncomfortable. We’ll just leave it at that. But in spite of all of that, there was a kind of kinetic energy
in the room; a mounting electricity like the hot, heavy air just before the onset of a summer storm.
n short, we were ost came and having an absolute went with- blast. In and amongst out much the clamor and more than a
organized chaos of
glance, but
makeup, costume, lighting there was one who stayed,
and pizza eating, several sort of on the periphery of
onlookers had poked their the action. She wasn’t just
heads into the room to see glancing; she was looking...
what all the fuss was about. she was studying everything. MAGZSTYLE, JUNE 2014 27
To view more of Sharaya’s work, visit