Page 10 - TASIS Data Protection Policy
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TASIS – Data Protection Policy
7 May 2018
We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:
• physical or mental health details
• sexual life
• racial or ethnic origin
• religious or other beliefs
• information relating to offences or alleged offences
Collecting information
Whilst the majority of student information you provide to us is mandatory, some of it is provided to us on a voluntary basis. In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will inform you whether you are required to provide certain student information to us or if you have a choice in this and, where necessary, seek your consent for us to use that data and information in the way we intend.
How we use student information
We use
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this personal data:
for the purposes of student assessment and to confirm the identity of prospective students and their parents;
to provide education services (including SEN), career services, and extra-curricular activities to students; monitoring students' progress and educational needs; and maintaining relationships with alumni and the School community;
for the purposes of management planning and forecasting, research and statistical analysis, and to enable the relevant authorities to monitor the School's performance;
to give and receive information and references about past, current and prospective students, including relating to outstanding fees or payment history, to/from any educational institution that the student attended or where it is proposed they attend;
to enable students to take part in national or other assessments, and to publish the results of public examinations or other achievements of students of the School;
to safeguard students' welfare and provide appropriate pastoral (and where necessary, medical) care, and to take appropriate action in the event of an emergency or accident, including by disclosing details of an individual's medical condition where it is in the individual's interests to do so, for example for medical advice, insurance purposes or to organisers of School trips;
to monitor (as appropriate) use of the School's IT and communications systems in accordance with the School's E-Safety Policy;
to make use of photographic images of students for identification purposes and in School publications, on the School website and (where appropriate) on the School's social media channels, where parental permission has been given, and in accordance with the School's E- Safety Policy ;
for security purposes, and for regulatory and legal purposes (for example child protection and health and safety) and to comply with its legal obligations; and
where otherwise reasonably necessary for the School's purposes, including to obtain appropriate professional advice and insurance for the School.
We may keep details of your address when you leave the School so we can send you news about the School and find out how your child is progressing. For graduates we may also pass your details onto the alumni organisation. Further information on the alumni association can be found here:
The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the TASIS website. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version.
Information Sharing Classification: PUBLIC
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