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TASIS – E. Safety Policy 10 August 2017
Teaching and Learning: Internet use is part of the curriculum and a necessary tool for learning. The Internet is a part of everyday life for education, business and social interaction. Students use the Internet widely outside school and need to learn how to evaluate Internet information and to take care of their own safety and security. E-safety is a focus in all areas of the curriculum and key e- safety messages are reinforced regularly, teaching students about the risks of Internet use, how to protect themselves and their peers from potential risks, how to recognise suspicious, bullying or extremist behaviour and the consequences of negative online behaviour.
Staff should be vigilant in lessons where students use the Internet. If staff allow the use of mobile devices in their lessons, they must ensure that they are used in line with school policy. Staff will be provided with sufficient e-safety training to protect students and themselves from online risks and to deal appropriately with e-safety incidents when they occur. Ongoing staff development training includes training on online safety, together with specific safeguarding issues including cyberbullying and radicalisation. The frequency, level and focus of such training will depend on individual roles and requirements
The school’s Internet access is designed to enhance and extend education. Students will be taught what Internet use is acceptable and what is not and given clear guidelines for Internet use. Access levels reflect the curriculum requirements and age of students. Staff should guide students to on- line activities that will support the learning outcomes planned for the students’ age and maturity. Students are taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy. The evaluation of on-line materials is a part of teaching/learning in every subject.
Students Use of IT Systems: All students must agree to the IT Acceptable Use Policy before accessing the school systems. Students at TASIS will be given supervised access to our computing facilities and will be provided with access to filtered Internet (see FAQ Document) and other services operating at the school. The promotion of online safety within ICT activities is to be considered essential for meeting the learning and development needs of students and young people. The school will ensure that the use of Internet-derived materials by staff and students complies with copyright law. TASIS will help students to understand the risks posed by adults or young people, who use the Internet and social media to bully, groom, abuse or radicalise other people, especially students, young people and vulnerable adults. Internet safety is integral to the school’s ICT curriculum and is also be embedded in our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development. The latest resources promoted by the DfE can be found at:
• The UK Safer Internet Centre (
• CEOP’s Thinkuknow website (
• The UK Safer Internet Centre (
Communicating and Educating Parents/Guardians in Online Safety: Parents will be provided with a copy of the IT User Acceptance Policy, and parents will be asked to sign it, as well as students age eight and older. TASIS recognises the crucial role that parents play in the protection of their students with regards to online safety. The school organises an annual awareness session for parents with
The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the TASIS website. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version.
Information Sharing Classification: PUBLIC
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