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P. 242

This is no easy insight to attain; the ego must be humble before we gain a clear vision of the divine. But let’s not be worried by this awesome task, let’s not fear — only hold more strongly to the hem of his robe. And then one day, in the wink of an eye, he’ll come with his full glory, showing us that he has always been with us. When we make our lives into a devotional practice, when we sacrifice all to the Lord, He Himself will come to show that he has always been with us and is here now to protect and save.
For the protection of the virtuous, for the destruction of evil- doers, and for establishing righteousness on a firm footing, I incarnate from age to age. When disharmony overwhelms the world, the lord will incarnate in human form to establish the modes of earning peace, and to reeducate the human community in the paths of peace ... Spiritual aspirants prayed and I have come. My main tasks are foster- ing of the Vedas (Hindu scriptures) and fostering of the devotees. Your virtue, your self-control, your detachment, your faith, your steadfast- ness: these are the signs by which people read of my glory ... The Avatar behaves in a human way so that mankind can feel kinship, but rises into his superhuman heights so that mankind can aspire to reach the heights, and through that aspiration actually reach him. Realizing the Lord within you as the motivator is the task for which he comes in human form ... Every step in the career of the Avatar is pre- determined. Rama came to feed the roots of truth and right con-duct. Krishna came to foster peace and love. Now, all these four are in danger of being dried up. That is why the present Avatar has come ... I have come to give you the key of the treasure of bliss, to teach you how to tap that spring, for you have forgotten the way to blessedness ... Bring something into your daily practice as evidence of your having known the secret of the higher life from me. Show that you have greater brotherliness. Speak with more sweetness and self-control. Bear defeat as well as victory with calm resignation ... My acts are the foundations on which I am building my work, the task for which I have come. All the miraculous acts which you observe are to be interpreted so ...
The establishment of righteousness: that is my aim. The teaching of righteousness, the spread of righteousness: that is my object. These

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