Page 105 - WLMIG_6132004.indd
P. 105

Practice Sense Control Element 3
Every sense runs aer external objects, one aer the other, one supporting the other, restless and miserable. One must bring under control the mind, the reasoning faculty, and the senses that roam aimlessly behind objective pleasures. One must train them to take on the task of concentrating all aention on the glory and majesty of God to follow one systematic course of one-pointed discipline. When the inner consciousness has been rendered pure and unsullied, God will reside therein. Finally, you will experience the vision of the Lord Himself within you.
Sathya Sai Baba (Bhagavatha Vahini, chap. 31)
Swami tells us that the outer world observed by the mind through the senses is only relative, not absolute reality. The mind is aracted to sense objects and perceives separateness, duality. It compares and contrasts, divides and dissects, and weighs and measures. It sees impermanent objects in terms of different names and forms. However, there is a way of experiencing the absolute reality of oneness. This experience of unity is in the heart through the process of love.

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