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profound teachings about love, we can intuit that With Love, Man Is God.
Aer my discovery I had a chance to ask Sai Baba if it was a good title. With great enthusiasm he answered, “Yes! That is just what I have been telling people.” Below is a mockup of where Sai Baba originally placed his signature on the cover. The finished cover of the book has been changed for design purposes.
Sai Baba: The Holy Man And The Psychiatrist has been printed in approximately 25 languages, and I have been inspired by the responses of its readers. Expressions of gratitude and love from people the world over have shown me, in a particularly intimate way, the power of Sai’s love to affect people. No maer how tough their exterior, when Sai Baba touches the essential core in people they become innocent, tender, and childlike. Witnessing this inner purity has given me an unexpected understanding of man’s nature: that innocence and love lie at our center and are our true nature.
My second book, Spirit And The Mind, published in 1985 and intended mainly for behavioral scientists, aempts to integrate insights from experiences with Sai Baba with insights from Western psychiatry. In it, compelling evidence proposes that our limited consciousness can expand into the infinite and that man can become one with divinity. “How would this insight change the behavioral sciences?” I ask.
Much of Spirit And The Mind focuses on how the mind, which is the source of great strength, can also obstruct our spiritual growth. The book examines the mind’s struggle as it confronts spiritual reality. As a young psychiatrist interested in

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