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noble and sublime purpose or misused in a mean and mischievous manner. Too much talk brings on premature senility. It also heightens the appetite, which in turn causes more talk. (SSB)
Swami explains that speaking correctly can profoundly transform the mind and bring it in alignment with the Atma. In fact, speech is a royal road to the Atma. Swami says there is great power available to us through the correct use of the senses.
True sadhana (spiritual practice) consists in the technique of merging the vaak (speech) in the mind, the mind in the intellect, and finally the intellect in the Atma. The Atma is father to the buddhi (intellect), grandfather to the mind, and great-grandfather to speech (vaak). Forgeing this sacred and royal road available to man, it is sad that he chooses to indulge in sensual pleasures that ultimately drown him in deep sorrow. (SSB)
Right Thinking, the Basis of Right Speaking
Modern psychiatry knows that disturbed thinking is a characteristic of many mental disorders and that healing can come from learning proper thinking. This approach is called “cognitive therapy.” We know that people who are frightened, depressed, and anxious, or who have a thought disorder, have problems thinking correctly. Swami says, “I have come to teach you to think correctly.” In cognitive therapy, thinking correctly means the ability to identify negative and destructive thoughts, such as, “I’m never going to get beer. Everything is going poorly for me. No one loves me.” The therapist helps the patient see that negative thinking is incorrect and helps him change those negative thoughts into positive ones.
Spirituality is a great wellspring of positive thinking. What could be more positive than the thought, “God is always with me, protecting me, providing for me, guiding, guarding, and loving me?” What could be more positive than advaitic or non-

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