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P. 119

2001. In these discourses, Swami speaks in a remarkably detailed fashion about higher states of mind.2
Swami describes the way we move from duality to unity below.
First I am in the light,
Next the light is in me,
Then I and the light are one. (SSB)
Illuminated Mind
I was particularly excited by Swami’s description of illuminated mind, as I saw light during my meditation and wondered what it meant. Was the perception of the light within me a sign of some change in
my mind, perhaps a glimpse of illuminated mind, or was it purely imagination? I understand that an illuminated mind is so immersed in Atmic awareness that all you see is God. Swami gives very unusual and particular details about how we look and feel at this level of consciousness.3
Consider all that you see as your own reflection. When you cultivate this feeling of oneness,
You aain the level of illuminated mind. (SSB)
Associating illuminated mind with merging into the light and becoming one with all, I had a strong interest to ask Swami if he would grant me the experience of illuminated mind. Then, on November 27, 2000, four days aer his 75th birthday celebration, Swami invited Sharon and me for an interview. I asked, “Swami, can you give me the experience of illuminated mind?” Swami thought a moment and said, “Not now, first

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