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Swami told me with a forceful voice, “Now you tell them strongly, and I will be with you.” I said, “Yes, Swami.” I did tell the college students strongly. “The way to immortality is by overcoming immorality.”
Your virtue, your self-control, Your detachment, your faith, Your steadfastness,
These are the signs
By which people read of my glory.
Sai Baba's students at the Brindavan campus
Faith and Surrender
Following God’s direction (dharma) exposes us to trials and tribulations but in the end, leads to a deepening of faith. Surrendering to Swami’s word and accepting the process of purification brought Judy, my daughter, in direct touch with Sai’s saving love.
Judy’s Story
During interviews with our family, Swami always brings up the subject of dharma. He has encouraged the girls’ education and once asked, “Why an education? An education is not for earning a living, it is for life. The end of education is character.” One time he told us, “Education without character, politics without principles, commerce without morality, and science without humanity are not only useless, but dangerous.”
   Sai Baba's students at the Anantapur campus

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