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 15 saichiatry of Love
In this unique Avatar, every act is an amazing miracle. Even when angry He could not but evince His overflowing prema. In love, His compassion flowed unhindered. Through His darshan (seeing), sparsan (touching), and sambhashana (hearing), one could earn liberation. He granted immortality to those who reminded themselves of His name. The cowherds among whom He lived and moved tasted the nectar of ecstasy whenever they witnessed His deeds or remembered them.
Sathya Sai Baba (Bhagavatha Vahini, chap. 34)
An important part of the spiritual path is bringing Sai’s teaching into our work. Spiritualizing our work turns it into worship. I have coined the name “saichiatry” for the spiritualized practice of psychiatry. Following is how this transformation took place in my practice. We will see how Swami’s love is at the center and how it teaches us to practice love.
Through my experiences with Sai Baba’s love I awakened to the insight With Love, Man Is God and that the purpose of life is realizing our divine nature through love. The actual experience

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