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P. 335

Saichiatry of Purification
When one has obtained the state of realizing the divinity in every being, when every instrument of knowledge brings the existence of that divinity, when it alone is seen, heard, tasted, smelled, and touched, man becomes undoubtedly a part of the body of God and lives in Him and with Him. When this duty to your own progress is taken up, you will get a new strength at the very first step; you will thrill to a new, a purer joy; you will taste the fullness of bliss; you will be refreshed by a new holiness.
Sathya Sai Baba (Gita Vahini, chap. 1)
Practicing dharma has a five-fold effect of which the process of purification is hardest to understand and accept. This process has to do with overcoming and releasing the many obstacles, impurities, and conflicts of the heart and mind that we must confront as we move along the spiritual path. Releasing obstacles opens the way to inner divinity
Engaging in dharmic activity makes us face inner limitations and demons. We have to overcome laziness and practice forbearance in the face of inconvenience and discomfort. We

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