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that he can achieve great rewards by undertaking various practices that are physical and worldly in nature. But in reality, one cannot get anything out of these practices except temporary satisfaction. First of all, man should exercise control over his senses. Buddha visited many noble souls, studied sacred texts, and undertook various sadhanas (spiritual practices). Later, he realized all those related to pravrii (outward path). Ultimately, he realized that happiness lay in making proper use of the five senses. He stopped reading sacred texts, he did not visit noble souls anymore, and he gave up all spiritual practices. He understood that sadhana done with this ephemeral body would yield only fleeting happiness. True and eternal bliss will result only when sadhanas are done with pure and eternal feelings. When Buddha started exercising control over his senses, he experienced infinite bliss. (SSB)
Reflection, Reaction, and Resound
These comments from Sai Baba are about the reflection, reaction, and resound of the mind. They were given during the inaugural address at the International Seva Conference, July 21, 2002.
There is divinity in humanity. Understand this. Today every field of human activity is polluted. Once man purifies his heart, he will find purity everywhere. The world outside is just a reflection of your heart. If you fill your heart with love, you will experience love everywhere. If there is hatred in your heart, the same is reflected outside. Whatever you see, hear, and experience outside is only the reflection, reaction, and resound of your inner being. All the good and bad that you come across in the external world are just your own reflections. So, do not point an accusing finger at others. The whole world depends on your own conduct. If you are good, so too will the world be. It is a mistake to think

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